Exchanges and Cooperation
► Professor Guowang Diao from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yanzhou University visted our group on Dec. 22th and gave a lecture on Supramolecular Interaction and its application.
► Professor Dayang Wang from University of South Australia visted our group on Dec. 19th and delivered a lecture entitled Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles at Interfaces.
► Professor Steve Granick from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) visited our group on Nov. 21st and delivered a lecture on Polymers, Phospholipid and Colloids.
► Professor Guangzhao Zhang, our group alumni, from South China University of Technology and Professor Guangming Liu visited our group on Nov. 18th and gave reports on the Principles and Applications of QCM and the Application of QCM Techniques in Multi-layer Assembly in Polyelectrolytes, respectively.
► Professor Rober Emery Prud’Homme from University of Montreal, Canada visited our group on Oct. 17th and delivered a lecture entitled The United States of Polyesters in Room 424 of Yuejin Building.
► Professor Mitchell Winnik from University of Toronto, Canada visited our group on Oct. 11th and delivered a lecture entitled One dimensional patterned nanowires of uniform length by self-assembly of coil-crystalline block copolymers and had academic communications with faculty members and students in our department. Link
► Professor E.W.Meijer from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland visited our group on Sep. 7th and gave a speech on non-covalent synthesis of functional supramolecular systems. Link
► Dr. Oren A. Scherman from University of Cambridge, Britain visited our group on Sep. 1st and delivered a lecture entitled Cucurbiturils at the interface between supramolecular chemistry and Materials science and had academic communications and exchanges with our group. Link
► Professor Philip A.Gale from University of Southampton visited our group on Aug. 24th and delivered a lecture entitled New Anion Receptors and Transporters.
► Professor Shiping Zhu, Member of Canada Academy of Engineering, from McMaster University, Canada and and Professor Gengbo Li, dean of School of Chemical Engineering, from Zhejiang University visited our group and both delivered excellent lectures.
► Professor Zhibo Li from Institute of Chemistry in China Academy of Science visited our group on invitation and delivered a lecture entitled Functional Polymers based on Amino Acid.
► Fudan-Warwick Polymer Symposium was hold by our group and grandly opened on July. 25th. Professor Haddleton, experienced polymer chemist and chief editor of Polymer Chemistry and Professor Ming Jiang make the opening and closing words. Prof. David Haddleton,Prof. Rachel O’Reilly,Prof. Andrew Dove,Prof. Stefan Bon,Prof. Matthew Gibson,Dr. Remzi Becer from Warwick University, Prof. Junpo He, Prof. Changchun Wang, Prof. Zhengzhong Shao and Dr. Guosong Cheng from Fudan University and Prof. Shiyong Liu invited from University of Sciences and Technology of China gave reports.
► The exchange seminar between research group of Professor Tao Yi from department of Chemistry, Fudan University and our group was held on July. 16th .
► Research Fellow Yunxin Liu from institute of Chemistry in China Academy of Science visited our group on the invitation from Professor Daoyong Cheng gave a lecture entitled the Design and Synthesis of Molecular Materials and their applications in Organic Field Transitors on Jun. 23th.
► Professor Weiguo Song from institute of Chemistry in China Academy of Science and delivered a report on the application of nano-structured materials in Catalysis and Absorptions on Apr. 20th.
► Professor Jin Zhu from Nanjing University visited our group on Mar. 17th and delivered a lecture entitled DNA Detection based on Chemical and Biological Tools.
► Dr Koji Yazawa from Tokyo Industry University visited our group on Mar. 16th and delivered a lecture entitled Molecular dynamics of pi-conjugated polymers in solid state.
News in Group
► 我组酒井不二同学的论文 A new story of cyclodextrin as a bulky pendent group causing uncommon behaviour to random copolymers in solution 已在Polymer Chemistry发表
► 欢迎下载阅读我组酒井不二同学对大连高分子年会感想:《日本与中国的高分子年会有什么不同呢?》
► 我系2011年研究生奖学金评选结果近日揭晓,我组郭娟,戚佳宁等10名同学喜获奖学金,其中梁清同学获得博士生一等奖学金。(11.10.09)
► 2011年全国高分子年会于9月24日—9月28日在大连举行,我组各位老师和部分同学出席。在本次会议中,江明院士、陈道勇教授和陈国颂博士分别作了学术报告;我组同学通过墙报展示了本组研究成果并与同行业科研人员进行了广泛而深入的交流。中国科学技术大学的刘世勇教授、南开大学的赵汉英教授、江南大学的刘晓亚教授、复旦大学的彭慧胜教授、上海交通大学的窦红静副教授、苏州大学的范丽娟副教授等活跃于学术和工业界的杰出组友也参见了本次会议,并于会议期间与我组老师和同学举行了聚会,畅叙往昔,展望未来。(11.10.04)图片链接
► 2011年9月20日,江明老师为全系研究生做了题为“让我们自尊自信地起跑——和研究生们谈科学道德问题”的报告。江明老师围绕学术道德这一主题,通过生动的事例向同学们揭露了各种违反学术道德的行为并阐释了相关的学术道德规范。精彩的报告赢得了同学们的阵阵掌声。图片链接
► 我组科研成果“大分子自组装的新路线及其运用”获得国家自然科学奖二等奖。
► 我组江明院士获第八届复旦大学“校长奖”。颁奖大会于2011年9月15日在光华楼举行,我组部分同学出席。
► 我组刘江华同学的论文“Supramolecular hybrid hydrogels from non-covalently functionalized graphene with block copolymers”已在Molecules上发表
► 我组廖晓娟博士的论文“Pseudopolyrotaxanes (PPRs) on Inorganic Nanoplatelets and their Supramolecular hydrogels”已在Langmir上发表
► 欢迎下载阅读我组梁清同学的赴美游记《小眼睛大世界》
► 我组组友,华南理工大学张广照教授最近获得了POLYMER 冯新德最佳论文奖
► 我组杜萍同学的论文Dual responsive supramolecular hydrogel with electrochemical activity已在 Langmuir上发表
► 我组梁清同学的论文Structural factors of amphiphilic calix biscrowns affecting their vesicle-nanotube transitions in self-assembly 已在Journal of Materials Chemistry上发表
► 我组韦孔昌同学的论文Does PNIPAM block really retard the micelle-to-vesicle transition of its copolymer?已在杂志Polymer上发表。
► 我组廖小娟同学于5月26日通过博士论文答辩,题目为 《基于包结络合作用的超分子水凝胶和大分子自组装的研究》。答辩委员会一致认为这是一篇优秀的博士毕业论文。
► 2010年上海市科学技术奖颁奖大会于4月27日隆重召开。由江明、陈道勇、姚萍教授合作完成的项目“大分子自组装的新路线及其运用”获得上海市自然科学奖一等奖。我组部分老师和同学也参加了颁奖典礼。
► 我组杰出组友杨澍 教授将应邀出席在华盛顿举行的复旦大学第12届校友联谊会世界大会。本次大会共邀请了十五位主题发言人,杨澍 教授是其中唯一一位女性。
► 我组2008级本科生李俊同学成功通过复旦大学本科生学术研究资助计划(FDUROP)-莙政项目的申请
► 我组组友、现我校先进材料平台教授彭慧胜喜获2010年中国化学会青年化学奖
► 我组陈国颂老师,江明老师在Chem. Soc. Rev.上发表了题为“Cyclodextrin-based Inclusion Complexation Bridging Supramolecular Chemistry and Macromolecular Self-Assembly”的文章。
► 我组梁清同学和官冰同学在“Journal of Materials Chemistry”上发表了题为“A one-pot approach to coaxial hybrid nanotubes of calixarene/silica via self-assembly and sol–gel transition”的文章
► 2011年1月19日,JCY联合课题组第五届全组学术大会在光华东主楼511举行。会议由高勇、方佳节、陈俊、熊玉兵四位博士主持,张卡卡、戚佳宁、韦孔昌三位同学以及组友刘世勇教授分别作了精彩的报告。江明院士、陈道勇教授和姚萍教授为2010年度SAGA奖获得者熊玉兵博士、酒井不二和周常明三位同学颁奖。在闭幕式上,江明老师总结了本学期全组工作,并为同学们送上新春寄语。图片链接
► Congratulations to Dr. Guosong Chen on her promotion to associate professor.