Exchanges and Cooperation
► Dec. 12th,Prof. To NGAl from Chinese University of Hongkong visited our group,and gave a lecture titled "Measuring of Particle-Surface Interactions in Aqueous Environments with Total Internal Reflection Microscopy"
► October 21st, Prof. S. J. Loeb from University of Windsor, Canada visited our group and gave a lecture titled "Organizing Mechanically Interlocked Molecules to Function Inside Metal-Organic Frameworks"
► October 18th ,Prof. J.-F. Gohy from University catholique de Louvain visited our group and gave a lecture titled "Smart materials from block copolymers: new challenges and opportunities"
► July 28th to 30th,the "3rd Fudan-Warwick Macromolecular Symposia: Extending the UK-China Network" subsidized by our department and raised by our group was held in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province. This symposia was held by the cochairmen Prof. David Haddleton and Prof. Ming Jiang. 23 scholars including Dr. Guosong Chen from the University of Warwick, Nottingham University etc. in the UK and Tsinghua, Peking, Tongji etc. in Chain reported their latest achevements in the symposia. And in the poster session, a dozen of graduate students present in the symposia showed their project and exchanged their ideas. The meeting was concluded in warm atmosphere. Programme Pictures
► June 24th, Deputy Editor for ACS Macro Letters, Prof. Stuart J. Rowan from Case Western Reserve University, USA visited our group, and gave a lecture with the name of "Using Dynamic Chemistry to Access Stimuli-Responsive Materials". PICTURES
► June 1st, Prof. Werner Nau from Jacobs University visited our group, and gave a lecture named "Chemistry inside and applications of molecular containers"
► The PhD's forum of Peking-Soochow-Fudan triuniversity was held in our school from 4th to 5th May. Three of our group members, Huanxin Cai, Kaka Zhang and Mingchang Lin attent the forum of macromolecule science. Kaka Zhang won the prize of excellent report.
► Prof. Luc Brunsveld from Eindhoven University of Technology visited our group on March 8th, and gave a lecture titled “Supramolecular Chemical Biology:Interfacing supramolecular systems with protein and cells” PICTURES
News in Group
► Oct. 16th, the 11th Academic Seminar of JCY Group was held by Dr. Pan Lin in Room 424 Yuejin Building. As main contents of the the seminar, Pengfei Sun, Han Miao, Zhijia Liu from the three group showed their latest achievements respectively, Prof. Daoyong Chen gave a excellent lecture titled "Structure Control and Self-assembly of Particles". In the last section, Prof. Ming Jiang summarized our achievements and looked forward to the future. He encouraged our group members work on with confidence and achieve more in science.PICTURES
► Congratulations to Dr. Guosong Chen in our group on being subsidized by "Excellent youth foundation of NNSFC" !
► Congratulations to our group alumi, Guangzhao Zhang from South China University of Technology on being selected in Chang Jiang Scholars Program.
► Congratulations to our group alumi, Shu Yang from University of Penn on her promotion to Full Professor
► Congratulations to our group alumi, Lijuan Fan from Soochow University on her promotion to Full Professor
► Congratulations to our group alumi, Lei Zhu from Case Western Reserve University on his promotion to Full Professor.
► Congratulation to our group alumni Prof. Huisheng Peng on being selected as a 2013 DuPont Young Professor. He is one of 14 talented and successful professors from seven countries around the world to earn this recognition.
► April 20th,JCY group symposium was held in Room 424, Yuejin Building. Hosting by Prof. Yao, the recent advances were reported by Fuji Sakai, Kaiyu Fu and Hequn Hao. Our alumni, Prof. Hongjing Dou from SJT University introduced her research on biological micro-nano materials then. SAGA for 2012 was announced as the last section, Sakai won the first prize, while Kaka Zhang, Hequn Hao, Saizhen Yao and Mingchang Lin. PICTURE
► 热烈祝贺我组组友,美国Case Western Reserve University 的祝磊老师晋升为Full Professor!