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1.Kongchang Wei, Jun Li, Jianghua Liu, Guosong Chen * and Ming Jiang *
Reversible vesicles of supramolecular hybrid nanoparticles
Soft Matter 8, 3300-3303, 2012

2.Fuji Sakai, Guosong Chen* and Ming Jiang *
A new story of cyclodextrin as a bulky pendent group causing uncommonbehaviour to random copolymers in solution
Polym. Chem. , 3, 954–961, 2012

3.Yanbin Fan,Chunyan Li, Heng Cao, Fuyou Li**, Daoyong Chen*
The intranuclear rele ase of a potenti al anticancer drug from small nanoparticles that are derived from intracellular dissociation of large nanoparticles
Biomaterials,  33, 4220-4228, 2012

4.Lu Su, Yu Zhao, Guosong Chen* and Ming Jiang
Polymeric vesicles mimickingglycocalyx (PV-Gx) for studying carbohydrate–protein interactions in solution
Polym. Chem., 3, 1560–1566 , 2012

5.Qing Liang, Changxi Li, Guosong Chen,Ming Jiang
Synchronous One-Pot(SOP)synthesis of hybrid structures: Metal nanoparticles in self-assemblies of amphiphilic calix[6]biscrowns
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 303, 82-88

6.Kaka Zhang, Ming Jiang, and Daoyong Chen*
Self-assembly of particles—the regulatory role of particle flexibility
Prog. Polym. Sci., 2012, 37, 445-486

7.Jing Ji, Yanbin Fan, Ming Jiang and Daoyong Chen*
Linear coupling of spherical block copolymer micelles induced by gradually depositing an insoluble component onto the core–shell interface
Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 8636-8641

8.Kaka Zhang, Ming Jiang, Daoyong Chen*
DNA/Polymeric Micelle Self-Assembly Mimicking Chromatin Compaction
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 8744–8747

9.Changming Zhou, Yong Gao, and Daoyong Chen*
Investigation of Pyridine/Propargyl Bromide Reaction and Strong Fluorescence Enhancements of the Resultant Poly(propargyl pyridinium bromide)
J. Phys. Chem. B , 2012, 116, 11552-11559

10.Yong Gao, Yafen Wang, Ming Jiang, and Daoyong Chen*
Cascade Molecule Particle Molecule Self-Assemblies for Fabricating Narrowly Size-Distributed Polymeric Superparticles with a Bicontinuous Nanostructure
ACS Macro Lett.2012, 1, 1312-1316

11.Yunfeng Yan, Jingjing Liu, Yubing Xiong, Ye Cheng, Ping Yao*
Superoxide Dismutase Binding and Release Behaviors of Dodecylated Poly(allylamine)s: Effects of Self-Aggregation and Organic Solvents
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2012, 213, 1540−1549

12. BaoruYin, WeiDeng, KekeXu, LuwenHuang, PingYao*
Stable nano-sized emulsions produced from soy protein and soy polysaccharide complexes
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science380, 51-59, 2012

13. Yubing Xiong, Jianing Qi, Ping Yao*
Amphiphilic Cholic-Acid-Modi?ed Dextran Sulfate and its Application for the Controlled Delivery of Superoxide Dismutase
Macromolecular Bioscience12, 515–524, 2012

                © Jiang-Chen-Yao-Chen Group of Dept Macromolecule Science  Fudan Univ, 2003~2012 
                         Webdesign: Eric Gao  Maintenance: Yu Zhao   Last Renew: March 1st, 2012